Jerry tom and jerry
Jerry tom and jerry

IN conclusion i think the studio is yet to understand no matter how much they make our NEW Versions Furry Friends run into different story lines, get animation Upgrades, Make them Talk to Humanize them all it Never Was and I Doubt ever will hold up to the Beauty in Simplicity and The Absolutely Emotionally Driving Soundtrack is What made the Original So close to our hearts, regardless of age and nationality.


Now compare That to Tom and Jerry going to Meet Willy Wonka, for starters u lost a major portion of your adults right here, but still if by any chance an adult were to sit and watch this movie with their kid, they will find it very, very difficult to be drawn into the world that so many of us spent so much time watching, experiencing, loving and emotionally attaching ourselves to the Original Show. every one, everywhere could instantly relate with them and The absolutely Gorgeous Animation is also a Key Aspect. It was only after recently watching my collection of The Original Tom and Jerry (Mind you I am 26 Now), where i realized that the magic and the love that all of us felt for the show, was due to a Phenomenally Beautiful Sound Track and utterly simplistic problems that Our Furry Friends and their Families Faced. Although the animation and the look of Our Furry Friends, has considerably improved from the very glitchy type of animations in the previous RE-takes of the famous classic.The problem lies in THE MUSIC.

jerry tom and jerry

This movie kinda suffers from the same problems. and herein lies the main problem in the very Steep Decline in the Love and appreciation of Our Favorite Cat And Mouse Duo. While the new age versions received a clear bump in the animation budget, the other aspects of the shows were either just grossed over or just neglected all together for the sake of budget. Since then, Tom, Jerry,Spike and rest of the family has been revamped more than a couple of times and none of them to my liking, Buut i always filed it under "I guess I am too old now to get what the New Age versions are trying to portray.". I was one of the batch of the kids who were still being introduced to our Beloved Characters from the original Chuck Jones and Fred Quimbly - also known as the Golden Age of Tom and Jerry. Could two Cartoon Characters, So Beloved by the entire world, really have an outing that wasn't good enough to score even a measly 3/10.(P.s at the time of writing this review it was 2.9/10) My Conclusion - Yes and No !!!! Let me explain. but still just because it was Tom and Jerry I decided to watch the Same to judge for myself if it were really true.

jerry tom and jerry

So, after i saw a 2.9 on IMDb for the New Tom and Jerry Feature length Movie, I was honestly a bit upset at IMDb, not the first time I did not agree with scores posted. Grandpa Joe: You're a cheat! How can you build a little boy's hopes and then. Willy Wonka: You allowed a cat into my factory! A cat, and his two filthy mice friends! Now, the entire factory will have to be sterilized! So, you get NOTHING! You lose! Good day, sir! you stole Fizzy Lifting Drinks! And to make matters worse. Willy Wonka: Wrong, sir! Wrong! Under section 37 of the contract signed by him, all offers shall become null and void, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

jerry tom and jerry

Willy Wonka: Because, he broke the factory rules. Grandpa Joe: But, what about Charlie's lifetime supply of chocolate? When does he get it?

Jerry tom and jerry